Fixing messy stuff of my table
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
― Leo Tolstoy
i was sitting in a room where i study most of the time, as due to covid-19 all physical activites are stopped to be protected our self from this virus which is very dangerous and took may live, so almost all the eduactional institute are shifted to online, every one take there class through diffrent application like zoom , ms-teams etc. so my institute also shifted to conducting an online class so , in one day there were a class of diffrent courses , different teacher teach diffrent courses , so there were so many thing which is in my use during online lecture like registers, laptops, notes , chargers and other necessary stuf.
so my room and specially my tablee is full of messy stuff (thing which i use to study) as you can see the picture of my table below,

today at night when i was working i look at the table and feel like ohh! how much stuff are in a table and how bad it look so then i stand up to fix the the things at his palce and make the table clear and look clean , so i do i little effort to make my table clear and it take almost 5 to 10 min , after arranging the things on its position i feel very happy to do some change through my self and the clear and clean table sound so relaxing.
here is the picture which is of after the arrangements of table

after this work i realize that if i do this act on my regualr basis and give my 5 to 10 minutes in arranging the thing on its place so it will help alot my mother and my home made as well
at last i must end my blog with one of the most famous quote i.e,
“Leadership is an act not a position”
-Donald McGannon